The Gospel of Mark portrays Jesus as the very power of God who confronts evil in the form of disease and demonic possession. This same Jesus is present in our midst; but many desperate people do not know him. You and I have been commissioned at our baptism to be his healing presence in unique ways. Together we exercise that role by our participation in the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. Cardinal Gregory will speak more eloquently of our shared vocation in his message at all the Masses; but I share with you now words that were read last Sunday abour one of our own parishioners who is a beneficiary of the Appeal.
My name is Conor Edmund Hardy. After having served as a D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer and then Fourth Grade Teacher at The Heights School in Potomac, MD, I am studying to be a priest for the Archdiocese of Washington at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD. In lieu of speaking in person at our Parish, I am writing to request your financial support for the Annual Appeal and for your prayers. I’ve heard it said police officers and priests witness most of humanity’s goodness and its deprivation.
Right now there are 67 men studying to become priests. We have experienced the Truth of the Gospel and grow in discovering that it is worth living and sacrificing for that Truth to be received, cherished, loved, and given. Besides the many missions, outreaches, churches, schools, and programs that the Appeal supports in our Archdiocese, a good portion supports myself and these men in our discernment. Your support allows us to focus on the intellectual, pastoral, human and spiritual pillars of formation that contribute to the development of a healthy, joyful, virtuous and generous man. Your participation and prayer in this regard aids in the spread of the Good News of Emmanuel, that God is with us; that He knows us and loves us intimately and uniquely; that we can be in right relationship with Him, making for harmony within ourselves and in relationship with others. Thank you for the generosity of your prayers and financial support.
Make this truly a “super” Sunday by your response!