Dear Parish Family:.
We conclude the Christmas season and begin Ordinary Time with the celebration this weekend of the Baptism of the Lord. These are anything but ordinary times! Consider, however, the scene by the Jordan River. Thousands had flocked to that desert area because the call to conversion had touched a chord in their hearts. John administered a ritual purification bath called baptism. The one of whom he had spoken transformed the very meaning of baptism by allowing himself to be immersed in the waters. The Trinity was made manifest; Jesus was called beloved son. All who participate in this baptism are also called beloved children of God. Baptism teaches us the very meaning of love. The most frequently used Greek word for love in the New Testament does not translate as romance or even friendship, but sacrifice. Thus, baptism is indeed a dying to self and a rising to a new life of self-less giving. At every stage of life, we learn something new about this mystery of love.
A week ago, the coronavirus pandemic hit home as cases were discovered at out Church. After consultation and prayer, out of love, I placed our Church and parish office on quarantine for two weeks. This past Wednesday, our staff attended a very informative “zoom” meeting on the nature of this disease and how to protect ourselves and one another. Shortly thereafter, our whole nation was shocked by the effects of fear and hate at our capital building – the very symbol of freedom and unity. I was horrified to see that the name of Our Lord was associated with some who gathered in that angry mob. Love demands prayerful listening, not angry ranting. As the pandemic crisis heightens, we are impatient for the vaccines that will stem its tide. As we return to the ordinary time of the Christian year, we are challenged to listen to the gospel stories that teach us what it really means to be beloved sons and daughters of God!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Bill Foley