Christmas has come and gone! The days are beginning to lengthen, even as winter grasps us firmly. In a few weeks, we will enter the “springtime” of the Church Year – the season of Lent. On Ash Wednesday, February 17, we will hear the familiar admonition to pray, fast, and give alms. As you might imagine, I am writing to you now about the “giving of alms.” First of all, I want to thank you for supporting the parish during the difficult days of the pandemic. Secondly, I want to acknowledge your kindness to all the traditional charities supported by the parish and the school throughout the year. Finally, I remind you of our obligations to the larger community which are supported by the
Annual Archdiocesan Appeal. We are all deluged by requests from worthy causes – far too many than we can possibly meet. The Annual Appeal is an essential part of our collective “alms giving.” Our support of this appeal empowers us as a local Church to further the mission of Christ where we live and work. I have already made a pledge and encourage each household in the parish to join me. I thank you in advance for your generosity!