Faith in the Marketplace (FIM) – Friday, February 2, 2024
On Friday, February 2 at 7 AM after the 6:30 AM Mass, is our parish
community gathering of men and women to explore how others live and
practice their faith in the marketplace. Our speaker Paul Bizot presents the
video Joyful Mysteries: The Annunciation, as part of the comprehensive
Lenten video series “Mysteries of the Rosary.” Included is a fascinating and
motivating discussion of how this powerful series was filmed in the Holy
Land and provides deeper details on the Rosary mysteries. It’s a simple
and effective Lenten preparation.
All are invited to be part of this active parish organization and urged to
bring a friend, Friday, February 2, to the Duffy Center for an intriguing and
insightful discussion of how we can be more effective in developing
creative faith-based solutions in the marketplace.