Please consider participating in Blessed Sacrament's Giving Tree program to provide Christmas gifts for over 700 children in need in our area. Here's how you can help:
Watch Your E-Mail
If you participated in the past, you should receive an email with program information and instructions on how to request a "virtual" star. If you would like to be added to the Giving Tree email list or request a star, email
[email protected].
Get Your Star
You can pick up a star with a child's name and needs after all Masses
November 17 & 18 and
November 24 & 25.
Donate a Gift Card, Cash or Check
If you would prefer to leave the shopping to others, you can donate cash or gift cards instead of taking a star on the star distribution dates.
Buy Your Gifts and Bring Them Back December 8 & 9!
Questions? Want to volunteer? Contact Renee Redpath, Courtney Knowles or Nikole Flax at
[email protected].